Monday, 30 December 2013
mad girl
i've just done this illo for roger gibson's on-line comic strip 'mad girl'. you can check out lots of sexy super-spy action with mad girl at:
Sunday, 29 December 2013
jungle queen!
buy your favourite jungle girl adventure comics by clicking on the 'buy now' buttons to your right...
Saturday, 21 December 2013
spliffy the stoner chick t-shirts!
yah! first day of summer today (in the southern hemisphere!) remember 'spliffy' t-shirts are on a special knock-down price at the moment. just click below right...
Friday, 13 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
putin out!
so, vladimir putin finally got his copy of 'the new amazons' preview special and as you can tell he's thrilled to find he's the lead supervillain in it!
Saturday, 7 December 2013
dr. wertham
dr. wertham enjoyed 'savage: jungle princess' and so will you. just click on the buy now button to your right and we'll ship it right to your door. then you can kick back and enjoy it (see below!)
Sunday, 27 October 2013
check out new review...
just spotted a new review of my new comic "The New Amazons"... See what they had to say at:
Saturday, 21 September 2013
new 'ms. fortune!' out now!
the latest issue of 'mayfair magazine' is out now with my strip 'ms. fortune!' in it. here's a little taster. you can see more and keep up-dated with all penny fortune's misadventures by befriending her on facebook.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
THE NEW AMAZONS on sale at last!
'the new amazons' preview special is on sale at last... just to your right! as with all the stuff on sale here it's really easy to buy it with the paypal buttons. don't worry if you are not on paypal as it gives you the options to use your credit/debit card when you click on it. postage is included in the prices... so just click on the button for where you live... (are you in the UK?.... are you in europe?.... are you outside europe?.... it's as simple as that!)
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
ms. fortune! on facebook!
don't forget you can befriend penny fortune the star of 'ms. fortune!' on facebook and get an up-date about what she's doing each month in 'mayfair magazine'... it's a great way to see some of my new art every four weeks. just search for PENNY FORTUNE on facebook.
Friday, 30 August 2013
who is... octobriana?
if you've never heard of octobriana (star of up-coming project 'the new amazons' - due out in the next ten days or so!) writer john short has put together the following article on her... ..."Who is Octobriana?
In 1971 a large format, hardback book was published in Britain, West Germany, the United States and possibly other countries. OCTOBRIANA AND THE RUSSIAN UNDERGROUND by Czech writer, Petr Sadecky told the story of an secret society behind the Iron Curtain that believed in free love and free speech. This group, the P.P.P., created the comic strip adventures of an anti-authority, communist superwoman called Octobriana (named for the 1917 October revolution.) You might say she was the superheroine equivalent of Pussy Riot. Sadecky explains how, if these underground comics creators had been caught they would have been sent to forced labour camps in Siberia!
It's a great story... And almost certainly isn't true. Although Sadecky's book was believed in Britain and the US for decades, it was soon discredited in West Germany. The Czech originators of the comic strip material that Sadecky had used in his book took him to court over using their work without permission or payment and apparently won the case. West Germany's STERN magazine blew the whole story wide open in late 1971.
It seems the original strips of a character called AMAZONA by Boluslav Konecny and Zdenek Burian (and maybe others?) were taken and altered by Sadecky to create the supposed underground Russian comic strips. Sadecky had replaced Amazona's orange triangle tattoo with a red star on her forehead to change her into a communist superhero (and effectively creating a new character.) It's thought Sadecky passed away in the early 1990s, but we would love to hear from anyone with more information.
Sadecky greatest legacy is that he claimed the character of Octobriana stood for communist ideals and so therefore shouldn't owned by one person... that she should belong to everyone. This effectively makes Octobriana a public domain character... copyright free. This has allowed lots of different comics creators over the years to use the character and give her their own spin. Most famously Bryan Talbot used her in his epic THE ADVENTURES OF LUTHER ARKWRIGHT, but she has also appeared in 2000AD and dozens of other places over the years. Writer Stuart Taylor and myself used her in the OCTOBRIANA mini-series from Revolution Comics (which won an award for Best New British Comic back in 1997.)
I obviously have a thing about public domain characters, having used Robin Hood (in LOXLEY) and comics books' original masked hero, the Clock (in THE CLOCK STRIKES!) in the last few years. So it should be no surprise to anyone to find that I have returned to the Russian She-Devil yet again! Inspired by her status as a female hero who represents her country, I thought she should have a team of similar icons around her... So the New Amazons were born!
John A. Short 2013" now we all know!
Monday, 19 August 2013
crazy summer t-shirt sale!
while it's still summer (well where i am anyway!) i've decided to slash the price of the 'spliffy the stoner chick' t-shirts. it breaks down like this... in the uk they used to cost @£13.50 but now they're down to only @£6! in europe they were @£14.50 but are now only @£8! and out side europe they were @£15.75, now are only @£10.50! (all price include postage!) get them while IT'S hot!
Saturday, 17 August 2013
here's a review of "savage: jungle princess"
Here's terry hooper's independent review of 'savage: jungle princess' from the comicbits online blogsite...
“On the Saturday afternoon of the Bristol Expo I noticed a rather dodgy looking geezer tucked away behind a pillar. As I tried to walk past he moved forward and opened his jacket to reveal a comic. “Oy, guv'nor -wanna buy somethin' for the weekend, heh? Heh -know what I mean?” followed by a nudge and a wonk. I realised it was 'Spliffy' creator John A. Short.
John, of course, did not just write 'Spliffy' but also 'The Clock Strikes!' comic – which like this book can be found on the Kult Creations site.
I grudgingly accepted the review book (actually, I'll take anything if it's free.) Later that day, as I tried to relax after hours of chatting I decided I'd read what I thought would be a bit of 'fluff' reading. After tea I read it again. I also read it again at around 0200 hours.
So what is this story that so captivated me that I've just read through it for the fifth time and exiled it to a shelf because I don't want to read it again?
Well, in June 1940, a German U-boat approaches the unexplored... Death Island. They spot a British vessel and torpedo it. And so Friday Robinson, an 'H-dropper' agent of 'em-eye-five' is cast ashore. And then she meets the dinosaur. It's not on the cover, but believe me there is a dinosaur. So who saves Friday? Why a scantily clad, blond-haired American Arabella Adelaide -the Jungle Princess!!
Apart from fighting a dinosaur there are, of course, the Nazi invaders -all female; the Valkyries- led by the one-eyed Countess Karla who are looking for John Dee's Philosophers Stone. They have the, uh, female natives to contend with. Which is all I'm going to tell you about the plot which has enough in-jokes to keep anyone happy.
In point of fact this made me VERY happy which is a bit odd. But it reminded me of being a teenager and waiting up for the late night horror movie (Hammer or otherwise) because someone had mentioned it got a 'bit racey' at some point or you got a flash of flesh. Despite the skimpy underwear (John tells me there is a rubber tree on Death Island from which comes invisible rubber which is used for garment fastening. I believe him. He's a scientist) and the shower scene -did I mention the shower scene?- you don't get to see anything really, naughty 'bit' wise.
However, this comic was sheer, unadulterated FUN from cover-to-cover. Gabrielle's art adds that bit extra with some superb colour work -especially the, uh, shower scene. I was recommending it to anyone I met over the weekend -the book having been launched there.
I seriously cannot recommend it enough. It's just fun and cheery, often tongue-in-cheek humour and I never expected the UK to come up with a new jungle character after decades and that the character would be so... fun! In a world of grim comics this is a beacon of hope and one of my hopes is that we see more.
Why have I hidden the book on a shelf? Because I don't want to read it too much and spoil the fun I'll get when I come across it again.
Out of all I saw over the weekend 'Savage! Jungle Princess' is my Expo comic highlight. Really: buy a British comic, but make sure it's this one!!”
Thursday, 15 August 2013
here's some art not by me!
here's some art not by me. we had some help on the designs of the characters for the forthcoming 'New Amazons' project. artist susan fenn did some work on the series... here's one of her improv sketches that lead to the creation of the finnish superheroine character - arctic.
Arctic superheroine,
Susan Fenn art,
The New Amazons
Friday, 9 August 2013
the new amazons preview special is coming!
the new amazons preview special which features an exclusive comic strip adventure for the world's most powerful super-heroines should see publication in the next month (or less!) here's a preview of the preview...
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
coming soon...
the next project i'm working on is 'the new amazons'. it's written by john short (writer of 'savage: jungle princess' and 'spliffy the stoner chick') and drawn by me. we hope to have a preview special out in about two months time. it features the return of cult comic character... octobriana!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
issue 4 of 'savage: jungle princess' reviewed...
comic bits on line have reviewed the fourth issue of 'savage: jungle princess'. see what they had to say at...

Tuesday, 16 April 2013
yes... savage jungle princess 004 is out!
now you can read the whole WILD saga... savage: jungle princess 004 wraps up our first story with NAZI ZOMBIE BABES!
here's savage as drawn by artist hal laren!

Sunday, 14 April 2013
next! the new amazons!
we hope to have issue 4 of 'savage: jungle princess' out in about a week. it's the end of our first story-line and then we'll be taking a break from death island. what will writer john short and i do next? we're thinking of doing this... 'the new amazons'! featuring cult comic character octobriana and a whole team of international super-amazons. get ready to kick evil's booty!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013
savage jungle princess by simon breeze!
here's an image not by me (a first for the blog!) this is Arabella and friday robinson from 'savage: jungle princess'. a fantastic paint, which you can see more of in issue 004 of sjp!

Friday, 25 January 2013
sjp issue 004 coming soon!
here's a sneak preview of issue 004 four of my comic 'savage: jungle princess'. three little words cover the plot: NAZI ZOMBIE BABES. coming soon...
Friday, 4 January 2013
savage: jungle princess (or sjp as we call it) now available in it's third full-colour issue within a year. you can buy it from this very blog right now. go on treat yourself!
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