Saturday, 5 December 2015
check out christmas!
over on my x-rated site, you can now read last year's christmas episode of 'ms. fortune!' from 'mayfair magazine'. there's a link to your right. be warned! it's rude!
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
as you may have heard i have drawn a brand new strip for john short's book about russian superheroine, octobriana! you will now see that i'm offering the book for sale through my blog (just to your right, there!) also we are selling the A3 art print set, which includes two poster sized octobriana pictures by me and two by 'octobriana: underground history' cover artist simon breeze. at the moment all these items are not available in any shops... i can sign books and posters on request at no extra cost... just remember to ask me when buying in the delivery notes. more on these items soon.
Monday, 2 February 2015
OCTOBRIANA coming soon...
i'm currently illustrating the secret origin of octobriana for kult creations new book 'octobriana: the underground history' which is due out later this year. here's a sneak peek. more news soon...
Friday, 9 January 2015
for our brothers across the channel...
for freedom of speech... for all those that have died in france... for all those that take up a pen or a pencil and stand up to bullies... for those that support and defend political cartoonist and satirists...
Friday, 2 January 2015
savage! jungle princess ends
over on my 'savage! jungle princess' blog you'll find my free on-line comic strip reaches it's big climax after a year of running. all of issue 4 is currently up on the blog to read. (or link to your right.) and of course the book collection of the full story with extra story pages is available to buy to your right (two covers to choose from!)