Friday, 26 December 2014
sjp free web comic!
don't forget... the free web comic of "savage! jungle princess" is still running over on the sjp blog. it's heading for a very big climax! (link in the row to your right...
Monday, 22 December 2014
christmas ms. fortune!
last year's christmas episode of 'ms. fortune!' is now available to read for free over on my x-rated blog. just click on the link to your right >
Sunday, 16 November 2014
the secret origin of octobriana
working on a few things right now, including the origin of 'octobriana' ! i hope to have more news soon. here's a taster... octobriana enjoying her first ever coca-cola! (if you've never hear of the russian devil-woman before... just try googling her!)
Friday, 7 November 2014
free sjp is back!
savage! jungle princess is being serialized on the sjp blog. issue four is starting this weekend. just type in or look for the link in the row to your right >
Friday, 5 September 2014
sjp continues... boudica is here!
over on the 'savage! jungle princess' blog you'll find this weekend's pages are now up (arabella is in the middle of a t-rex duel!) and over on the x-rated blog you'll find my take on iceni queen, boudica, giving the romans whatfor! for the links to these sites - see the column on your right >
Monday, 1 September 2014
rear entry - sorry, sold out
the signed copies of 'rear entry' 14 from eros comix (drawn by me) are now all gone. they were quite popular, so i will keep my eyes open for more copies in future. in the meantime... stand by for my take on boudica - coming to the x-rated blog later this week.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
i've just got hold of a few copies of the 2006 eros comic - 'rear entry' number 14 from a comic shop (store) in my corner of the world. all the art in that issue is by me! 26 pages of it! all strips are written by john short. it's no-longer available through eros comics, so this comic is as rare as a tory voter in scotland! it's black and white inside and has colour covers (including the strip by me on the back cover.) and it's very, very rude. we are talking hard core (oh my god, i'm blushing just thinking about it) nothing left to the imagination RUDE. i've snapped them up and i'm gonna sign 'em. if you're interested, don't wait to buy... i don't expect them to be on sale very long (cuz there aren't many of 'em.) if you want to see the uncensored version of the cover, get across to the x-rated blog (link under the sale stuff to your right.)
Friday, 15 August 2014
SJP free web comic!
remember... our free web comic of 'savage! jungle princess' has now started running again over on the sjp blog. there are new episodes every weekend. check out or just click on the link to your right.
Friday, 1 August 2014
savage! jungle princess free web-comic!
we've re-started our free web-comic... SAVAGE! JUNGLE PRINCESS with the third issue now running in short chapters every weekend. jump aboard now over at: - link to your right. or just buy the whole saga in book form (on sale now... also to your right)
Monday, 28 July 2014
more wyld adventures
here's a new shot from my new strip 'wyld adventures'. we are still looking for somewhere for this strip to go, so do check back for more up-dates and other preview art. you may also like to see the new x-rated shot over on my x-rated blog (link to your right.) this character is captain ho... she's mao tse-tung's daughter!
Friday, 4 July 2014
get ready for some 'wyld adventures'!
writer john short and i are working on something new... 'wyld adventures'! it's all about m.i. ten's best agent back in 1966. she's called beatrix wyld... but her friends (and enemies) just call her 'trix'. here's the first piece of artwork i've produced. keep checking back for more news soon!
Friday, 9 May 2014
starburst magazine reviews SAVAGE! JUNGLE PRINCESS BOOK 1
starburst magazine has now reviewed the full colour collection of 'savage! jungle princess'. read what they had to say about us winning an Eisner at:
Friday, 2 May 2014
savage! review!
there's terry hooper's review of the 'savage! jungle princess' book in full! "Kult Creations
Writer John A. Short
Artist Gabrielle Noble
108 pages
Full colour
US Trade size
£9.99 UK for outside UK prices check out the site:
Right, now one of the great mysteries to me is WHY Diamond Distributors refused to take on this title. Well, I'm guessing the fact that people at Diamond tend to be anally retentive and can only understand Marvel, DC and Dark Horse Comics is part of the explanation.
This series is brilliant! It's saucy. It's action packed. It has scantilly-clad women in it. It has dinosaurs. It has zombie Nazis -I mean, fer crimminy sake:ZOMBIE NAZIS!!!!
I think everything I said about issue 1 still stands -you can find that review here:
And I was just as enthusiastic for issue 2:
Now you can buy all four issues in one nifty volume with extra -EXTRA- story pages. Never before published illustrations and so many double entendres, puns and so much loin-cloth losing action that you might think this was a rejected script from the UK Carry On series of films!
Oh. And Winston Churchill has a cameo. He's fully clothed. Just saying.
This will definitely save wear on the single issues and allows one hand free reading....for people with, uh, repetitive stress injury.
There is a choice of two cover types and the one shown is the blue sky version (because my scanner just stopped working!).
Obviously this is for all you grown-ups out there and it is a very nicely packaged book and reproduction really makes Noble's work shine through those filthy, filthy plot lines and jokes of Mr Short! I can honestly say that I still chuckled to this book which cannot be a bad thing and I would highly recommend this to anyone. Pity Titan Books never picked up on this one."
Saturday, 26 April 2014
shop til you drop
don't forget... there's lots of my stuff to buy just to your right... including my 'spliffy: the stoner chick!' comic... it's full colour and it features some of my favourite 'spliffy' strips along with some 'malice in wonderland' and 'dope squad' stories that have never been seen anywhere before! and the 'spliffy' t-shirts are now reduced in price... and summers coming (here anyway!)
Friday, 11 April 2014
bad queen bess
did you know it was the fashion in elizabethan england for women to expose their breasts (strange but true) and elizabeth I is on record for shocking a visiting french diplomat with her bare front? however, there don't seem to be any portraits of the virgin queen wearing one of these low-cut dress... well, until now. check out the uncensored version over on my x-rated blog (link to your right.) there is also the follow up illustration (done as a fan commission and reproduced with kind permission) up there too!
Friday, 4 April 2014
savage! jungle princess book reviewed!
you can read the first review of the new book - savage! jungle princess book 1 - on the comicbits online blog... at:
Friday, 28 March 2014
savage! jungle princess THE BOOK!
yes! we've brought 'savage! jungle princess' out as a collected book! it's over a hundred pages long! it's in full colour! it has two brand new covers to choose from! it has never before seen story pages! it has never before published illustrations! and it's on-sale here! just to your right in fact!
Saturday, 8 March 2014
sjp never seen before!
this savage! jungle princess mock-cover has never been seen anywhere before! remember... you can read our free sjp web comics on the sjp blog. click on the link to your right!
Friday, 28 February 2014
savage! jungle princess - free web comics
don't forget... new pages of 'savage! jungle princess' go up on the sjp blog every weekend... at: and you can find more illustrations by me over on the x-rated blog at: ...or just click on the links to your right.
Monday, 24 February 2014
read all of "mad girl: cosmic" in one place!
you can now read all of the strip i drew for writer roger gibson in one place... over on my x-rated blog (link below-right) you'll find all six pages of 'mad girl: cosmic'... one of the most colourful strips i've ever drawn.
Sunday, 23 February 2014
over on my x-rated blog right now you can see my uncensored tribute to 1960s french comic character... barbarella! here's a taster... or click on the link bottom right!
Saturday, 8 February 2014
more 'mad girl: cosmic'!
the last couple of pages of the strip i've drawn for roger gibson's 'mad girl: cosmic' are just going up on his site now. free web comics! adults only! mad girl, lee steiner, the dormouse all copyright roger gibson 2014
Thursday, 6 February 2014
winter olymptics!
in the latest 'ms. fortune!' strip in 'mayfair magazine' we find penny fortune helping out at the winter olympics! you can buy 'mayfair' from:
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
mad girl by gabby!
now illustrating a 'mad girl strip for writer/creator roger gibson's free on-line strip blog! the first two pages are up and running. please check if you are over 18 before reading it as there are bad words and naughty deeds in 'mad girl'. copy and paste this address:
Friday, 24 January 2014
sjp free web comics!
don't forget.. each weekend new pages of our free 'savage! jungle princess' web comics go on-line! there's a link to your right, or just cut and paste:
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
dexter cockburn does ms. fortune!
here's an amazing poster of 'mayfair magazine's own 'ms. fortune!' drawn by dexter cockburn. you can see the uncensored version of this illo over on my x-rated blog (link in the panel on the right.) you can check out some of dexter's comics at:
Saturday, 18 January 2014
aka carmilla!
sheridan le fanu created the first and greatest female vampire in 1875... over on my x-rated blog you can find the uncensored version of this new mock cover i've done for 'carmilla'!
Friday, 17 January 2014
savage! jungle princess free web comics!
i've set up a new blog to run free comic strips of 'savage! jungle princess'! each weekend more pages for you to read will be added! there is a link to your right!
Sunday, 12 January 2014
mad girl meets miss fury!
just done this new illo of roger gibson's character 'mad girl' meeting classic costumed comics character 'miss fury'. you can see the full saucy image at the mad girl site at: or over on my x-rated site (link on this page, below-right.)
Saturday, 11 January 2014
ms. fortune! year four!
another year... and we've reached the 40th episode of 'ms. fortune!' in mayfair magazine! you can get mayfair where ever you are in the world at:
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
silent nightmares!
just watched a few silent horror films. see the (uncensored) version of this poster over on the x-rated blog... click on the link at the bottom of the column on the right.
dejah thoris... a princess of mars!
see the full (uncensored) version of my take on john carter's princess, dejah thoris,over on my x-rated blog (link to your right.) she's dressed just like the book describes...