Friday, 9 May 2014
starburst magazine reviews SAVAGE! JUNGLE PRINCESS BOOK 1
starburst magazine has now reviewed the full colour collection of 'savage! jungle princess'. read what they had to say about us winning an Eisner at:
Friday, 2 May 2014
savage! review!
there's terry hooper's review of the 'savage! jungle princess' book in full! "Kult Creations
Writer John A. Short
Artist Gabrielle Noble
108 pages
Full colour
US Trade size
£9.99 UK for outside UK prices check out the site:
Right, now one of the great mysteries to me is WHY Diamond Distributors refused to take on this title. Well, I'm guessing the fact that people at Diamond tend to be anally retentive and can only understand Marvel, DC and Dark Horse Comics is part of the explanation.
This series is brilliant! It's saucy. It's action packed. It has scantilly-clad women in it. It has dinosaurs. It has zombie Nazis -I mean, fer crimminy sake:ZOMBIE NAZIS!!!!
I think everything I said about issue 1 still stands -you can find that review here:
And I was just as enthusiastic for issue 2:
Now you can buy all four issues in one nifty volume with extra -EXTRA- story pages. Never before published illustrations and so many double entendres, puns and so much loin-cloth losing action that you might think this was a rejected script from the UK Carry On series of films!
Oh. And Winston Churchill has a cameo. He's fully clothed. Just saying.
This will definitely save wear on the single issues and allows one hand free reading....for people with, uh, repetitive stress injury.
There is a choice of two cover types and the one shown is the blue sky version (because my scanner just stopped working!).
Obviously this is for all you grown-ups out there and it is a very nicely packaged book and reproduction really makes Noble's work shine through those filthy, filthy plot lines and jokes of Mr Short! I can honestly say that I still chuckled to this book which cannot be a bad thing and I would highly recommend this to anyone. Pity Titan Books never picked up on this one."