Tuesday, 28 January 2014
mad girl by gabby!
now illustrating a 'mad girl strip for writer/creator roger gibson's free on-line strip blog! the first two pages are up and running. please check if you are over 18 before reading it as there are bad words and naughty deeds in 'mad girl'. copy and paste this address: http://madgirlcomic.wordpress.com/2014/01/28/mad-girl-cosmic-pages-1-2/
Friday, 24 January 2014
sjp free web comics!
don't forget.. each weekend new pages of our free 'savage! jungle princess' web comics go on-line! there's a link to your right, or just cut and paste: http://savagejungleprincess.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
dexter cockburn does ms. fortune!
here's an amazing poster of 'mayfair magazine's own 'ms. fortune!' drawn by dexter cockburn. you can see the uncensored version of this illo over on my x-rated blog (link in the panel on the right.) you can check out some of dexter's comics at: http://www.facebook.com/l/tAQEIgcMSAQElXqFTeq-Jsuqjlx8Df0gzM6GFWbXy0bdy0A/thecomixcompany.ecrater.com
Saturday, 18 January 2014
aka carmilla!
sheridan le fanu created the first and greatest female vampire in 1875... over on my x-rated blog you can find the uncensored version of this new mock cover i've done for 'carmilla'!
Friday, 17 January 2014
savage! jungle princess free web comics!
i've set up a new blog to run free comic strips of 'savage! jungle princess'! each weekend more pages for you to read will be added! there is a link to your right!
Sunday, 12 January 2014
mad girl meets miss fury!
just done this new illo of roger gibson's character 'mad girl' meeting classic costumed comics character 'miss fury'. you can see the full saucy image at the mad girl site at: http://madgirlcomic.wordpress.com/2014/01/11/mad-girl-miss-fury-pin-up/ or over on my x-rated site (link on this page, below-right.)
Saturday, 11 January 2014
ms. fortune! year four!
another year... and we've reached the 40th episode of 'ms. fortune!' in mayfair magazine! you can get mayfair where ever you are in the world at: http://www.newsstand.co.uk/102-General-Adult-Magazines/1077-Subscribe-to-MAYFAIR-Magazine-Subscription.aspx
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
silent nightmares!
just watched a few silent horror films. see the (uncensored) version of this poster over on the x-rated blog... click on the link at the bottom of the column on the right.
dejah thoris... a princess of mars!
see the full (uncensored) version of my take on john carter's princess, dejah thoris,over on my x-rated blog (link to your right.) she's dressed just like the book describes...