Friday, 31 December 2010

MS. FORTUNE starts!

the new on-going regular full-colour comic strip drawn by me is in the latest issue of britain's mayfair magazine out in the shops now. you can also order it from paul raymond magazines direct...

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Christmas is coming!

christmas is coming, so here's an xmas shot of BRIT STARR! over on the xrated blog you can read a whole christmas strip featuring her...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Brit Starr in Hustler Humor Magazine!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Become Penny Fortune's friend on Facebook

Why not become Penny Fortune's friend on Facebook? She'll keep you up-dated about what she's up to in the latest issue of Mayfair magazine and show you some previews!


Monday, 15 November 2010

New regular comic strip new!

Starting in January 2011's issue of Britain's MAYFAIR magazine, writer, John Short and I have a new regular strip starting. 'MS. FORTUNE' features the misadventures of poor little rich girl PENNY FORTUNE! She never expected to have to get a job, but when daddy looses all the family's money in the sub-prime crash she must make her own way in the world. Shame she failed that GCSE in needle-point and has a terrible habit of accidentally losing all her clothes! This full colour strip will run monthly.
John and I are very excited (and a little daunted) to be following in the footsteps of Don Lawrence, who's 'Carrie' strip ran in Mayfair from the early 1970s. We hope we can do the magazine justice. Why not subscript on the Paul Raymond website?
November 2010

Monday, 30 August 2010

New Spliffy!

here's a brand new shot of spliffy the stoner chick. don't forget you can read some of spliffy's greatest hits on the other blogsite...


Friday, 27 August 2010

New Dope Squad!

here's my original character designs for the Dope Squad characters! you can check out some new dope squad strips further down the page!


Saturday, 14 August 2010

New images added today!

hi people!
some brand new images added to the blog today. the character sketches for 'bad girls'and 'fallen angel'... along with the fishing illustration. check them out. they'll also be some new stuff on the x-rated blog (follow the link to your right) today too.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Jungle Princess

yay! summer is well and truely here... for five minutes so check out this brand new cover for jungle princess comics!


Tuesday, 29 June 2010

problems or questions

if anyone is having problems using the paypal buttons to buy stuff from the blog, please do let me know. email address below. i will make sure any troublems are sorted a.s.a.p.!


T-Shirts on sale now!

hi people!

the t-shirts are now in my hot little hands! all orders already in have been sent, so expect them soon. everyone else... get them while it's hot!


Thursday, 24 June 2010

New Blog launched!

hi folks,

if you want to see my really rude comic artwork there is now a new blog for all that stuff. check if you are over 18 (and aren't easily shocked by dirty pictures) then have a look at


T-Shirt dates!

hi folks,

i have another revised date from the t-shirt printers (sorry)... they should be with me on tuesday 29th june. all your orders should be able to go out in the post to you that day. please don't be put off ordering right now people!


Thursday, 10 June 2010

Spliffy & Pussy T-Shirt

hi folks,

the spliffy & pussy t-shirt is now available to order (it will be back from the printers in two weeks or so.) it's a full-colour version of the above image on a green t-shirt. it's available in m, l, xl, xxl... postage and packing is included in all prices to your right there. be the first on your block to proudly wear a shirt of spliffy inviting people to stroke her cat!


Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Spliffy and Dope Squad Badges

hi guys,

the spiffy and dope squad 6 badge set is now available to buy from this very blog (just look to the right.) all price include postage... just decide where you live and click on the button to buy!


Monday, 31 May 2010

Welcome to my new blog!
Gabby's Comix is a brand new venture from me. It's an imprint to bring my own brand of naughty comic strips to the masses (that's you!) Soon I hope that we will have some stuff to buy on here. There should soon be 'Dope Squad' and 'Spliffy: The Stoner Chick!' badges, t-shirts and comics drawn by me which you'll be able to get via paypal. In the meantime enjoy some art by me (most of it never before published) and keep in contact by emailing me at